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28 January 2008

Daily Inspiration

There's something about the start of a new year with all those empty days stretching before you, which lends itself to the starting of daily projects.


Images of Michelle Caplan's collages

Michelle Caplan is challenging herself to produce a mixed media collage everyday in her new blog Collage Lab - the results of which are for sale through her new Etsy shop. I can't begin to imagine the mental effort required to produce a new piece of artwork every day.

The girls behind the hugely inspirational 3191 A Year of Mornings (soon to be turned into a must-have coffee table book) are now embarking on 3191 A Year of Evenings with features more beautiful and unplanned (that's the bit that always gets me) photo diptychs of intimate domesticity.

Photos seem to lend themselves to the daily thing. I always enjoy the Seattle photos taken by Kim of Seattle Daily Photo - I've learned so much about Seattle life from her.  There are Daily Photos for most major(ish) city in the US and Europe (and many from further afield)  if you want to check out your local photographer.

There are also loads of Project 365 (or 366 this year) groups on Flickr for people to take a photo a day.  I'm currently enjoying Auntie Cookie's 30 Days set and DineandDish's Project 365 (mostly for the great foodie pics - a girl on WeightWatchers has to dream). 

You'll see tomorrow why I've been looking into daily challenge thingies.  Tuesday 29th January is the ideal day to be starting a New Year's project, n'est-ce pas?


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You are so sweet! Thank you for the amazing post! I cant wait to see what you have up your sleeves!

Would you believe that I'm on Weight Watchers too? Couldn't tell by the things I make, can you? I can bet you are doing much better than I am at it :)

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