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17 September 2009

Scribbler on the Wall – Charlotte Mann

Feeling down because you can’t afford the latest must-have chair, your partner is allergic to the cats you love, or the view from your window is less than stellar?

Why not just grab a black marker and paint the things you crave on your white walls instead? That’s what London artist Charlotte Mann does, which has garnered her a spot on the shortlist for the British Design Awards 2009 in the Surface Design of the Year category.


Image of journalist India Knight’s house from October’s Elle Deco





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Wow! That's absolutely amazing!

That is truly amazing! I had to look twice to make sure it was not a real window.

I've seen a couple of these now, and I am amazed everytime! What an amazing eye to create that!

This could so be tacky, but I LOVE it.

This is absolutely incredible. Really inspiring in that this individual made the choice to celebrate dreams and wishes by putting pen to work. Bravo!

Totally love this, how wonderful to be able to draw like that

it is so expressive with its unique characteristic...appreciated to mirromirror..two thumbs up for you

A lot of the information in this post has been very useful. I can definitely agree there are great needs for having or developing organizational, writing, and marketing skills.

That is so cool, looks really awesome.

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