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« Pssst! Don’t Tell the Minx | Main | New Year’s Resolutions »

24 December 2010

Pssst! Don’t Tell the Minx




And she’s DONE.  I have to say that ears do help a lot in the beauty department. 

I have beads and findings to make her a necklace and some earrings and was planning to knit her a handbag and a hat, but even if I don’t get to finish anything else tonight, she’s in a fit state to go under the tree tomorrow.

There are also a ton of other little clothes to knit for her, but at the moment I don’t wish to look at her ever again. SO relieved that’s over.

All that’s left is to wish you all a very happy, peaceful and joyful Christmas. Thank you for all your comments, emails and suggestions over the year. I do love my little blog. And you guys of course. Have fun! xoxoxoxoxo

(Thanks also for all the lovely messages and emails about my ma-in-law. Sorry that blogging has been so sporadic recently. I will be posting a few updates between Christmas and New Year after we get back from Whistler).


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Gasp! How gorgeous! I love her.
Happy Christmas to you all.

I LOVE it!!! What a wonderful gift!

So great to see her develop into such a lovely little monkey! Fabulous work!

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